Who is The Minstrel Tab

Tabitha Y. Hougabook, MMT, LPMT, MT-BC

Tabitha, affectionately known as "The Minstrel Tab", is intelligent young woman who God has endowed with many talents, gifts, and a special anointing.

The Holy Spirit spoke to Tab in 2014 these words; "The Minstrel Speaks", after which, she founded The Minstrel Speaks, LLC in 2018. The Minstrel Speaks is a platform God gave to Tab to release and share with others, everything that He placed within her. She has been gifted with the ability to help others who desire to cultivate their musical gifts. The Minstrel Speaks offers what you need and desire to grow spiritually and emotionally.

Minister of Music

Tabitha began singing at the age of three and gave her life to Christ at the age of seven. During a powerful service, the Lord spoke a word to her mother and said, "Your daughter is your musician. Anoint her hands and put her on the keyboard." Tab's music ministry began at Total Faith Global Ministries, Inc. She developed an ear to hear prophetically and began to play songs that manifested the Glory of God. Many people seek her as a musician because of her gifting and anointing.

Music Therapist and Teacher

Tab graduated with a Bachelor of Music degree from Georgia State University, specializing in recording technology. After graduation, she discovered music therapy, which is a field that utilizes music interventions to accomplish individualized goals in a therapeutic relationship. Tab obtained a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Music Therapy from Georgia College and State University.

Tabitha holds the national certification for Music Therapists (MT-BC) and she is also a Licensed Professional Music Therapist (LPMT) in the state of GA. Because Tabitha believed her knowledge would be more effective in the public schools, she earned her teaching certification in music in the state of GA.

Recording Artist

Tabitha and her mother have been writing and singing songs together for years. In 2018, the mother daughter team released their first CD entitled, Shekinah Glory. These are songs that were birthed out of prayer and are a blessing to those that desire true worship.

Tab continued to write and produce songs and in 2021 released her first solo project "The Minstrel Speaks". Additionally, she works with other artists by producing, recording, playing and singing background vocals with them. Tabitha is excited to have a new single releasing in September 2022!